
Welcome to The Populist’s Playbook

  • Are you uneasy about what’s happening with politics?
  • Do you ever feel like roughly half of voters have taken leave of their senses?
  • Do people you thought you knew well seem to suddenly believe unbelievable things?

The Populist’s Playbook – Podcast and Blog, pulls apart twelve, well established, techniques that are used to manipulate voters.

Using modern and historical examples we explore: What they are, Why they work, and How to counter them.

In other posts we look at other analyses, in particular of Scottish, British and European politics.

Welcome to the Populist’s Playbook

Chinese Whispers

Is the SNPs Scotland a Chinese Trojan Horse?  Is Scotland on the verge of becoming China’s Trojan Horse within the United Kingdom? This question is neither rhetorical nor exaggerated. As the Scottish National Party (SNP) continues to push for independence, there is mounting concern that the party is either naively or deliberately opening the door…

Stranger than Fiction 

What do the Scottish Government’s book purchases tell us about the cry for help from the centre of a dysfunctional organisation?

Send In The Clowns

“Scotland: the only country in the world where the artists conspire with the government against the people.” Stephen Daisley Who took the satire out of the Saltire? The following article will delve into the Scottish Comedy scene and its relationship with politics. Looking back to comedy in Scotland before the Nationalists came to power: when…

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